Mrs. Jones Wears Only Black, She Put Her Husband Through Law School

March 15, 2008 at 10:29 am Leave a comment

Mrs. Jones Wears BlackHeart to heart conversations happen in the spa.  Why, you ask? Because you have created an environment where people tell all.  You have created a place where people can exhale.

They will open up their hearts and tell you every little detail.  Knowing that Mrs. Jones wears only black is a fact, because you have always seen Mrs. Jones in black.  Knowing WHY Mrs. Jones wears black is because you have created an environment where people tell it all.  It is good and bad.  Good, becaue you have created a safety net and a cocoon, where people can exhale and have private conversations.  Bad, because you know a lot about people, their personal life, their dreams, their needs and desires and YOU must keep secrets.  If you tell, you will put a hole in the safety net.

Now for the secret.  First, Mrs. Jones is not her real name.  And, she wears black, because she mourns everyday for the loss of her marriage.  I still haven’t connected the dots between law school, marriage, and wearing black, but she has, and as long as she still comes to the spa, I will keep honoring her secrets.  Exhale!


















Locker Room and Grooming Areas





Benches or Ottomans in locker area





Robes & Slippers- In Spa Lockers





Towels folded on shelves with towel drop below in millwork with doors.

Towel drop cabinet should be large enough to fit laundry bin on wheels.







Towel Racks for clean towel and drop off points for soiled towels










Full length mirror





Grooming area with:






Counter top at 36”






Pull up stool under






Wall lights






Grooming amenities






Grooming accessories: sealed combs, brushes…..






Tissue dispenser






Trash bins






Amenity line- private label, brand names or a combination of both.






Make-up mirror (for women’s areas)





Sink Vanities with:

Free-standing (on counter) soap dispensers
















Sufficient space for clean/soiled linen; refuse disposal





Finishes to be durable, natural materials that are easily cleaned





Women’s- Body Lotion, Mouthwash w/cups, cotton balls, swabs,

hand soap, sealed brushes, combs in sanitizing solution, Makeup

remover, tissues, trash receptacle








Wall mirror

Wall lights

Faucets (on sensors)

Soap dispensers (on sensors)

Amenity trays for cleansers

Consumables: razor, shaving gel, q tips, tooth brush, tooth paste,

mouth wash, paper cups

Trash bins

Tissue dispensers







Men’s- Body Lotion, Mouthwash w/cups, cotton balls, swabs, hand

soap, sealed brushes and sanitized combs, disposable razors,

shaving cream, Facial Toner/Splash for after shave, tissues, trash









Wall mirror

Wall lights

Faucets (on sensors)

Soap dispensers (on sensors or on-counter container > operator)

Amenity trays for cleansers

Consumables: razor, shaving gel, q tips, tooth brush, tooth paste,

mouth wash, paper cups

Trash bins







Dry Grooming with:





Women’s-Blow-dryers, Hair straighter, Curling Iron, Body Lotion,

Hairspray, Hair Mousse, Hair gel, Spray Deodorant, Talc, Cotton

Balls, Swabs, tissues, trash receptacle







Men’s- Blow-dryers, Body Lotion, Hand Lotion, Hair gel, Spray

Deodorant, Swabs, Foot spray, Talc, Tissues, trash receptacle










Linen hand towels


Entry filed under: Spa Gossip.

The Day the Nail Tech Performed a 90 Minute Massage Spa Retail and Empowering Your Front Desk

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